Summary Statistics

The following summary statistics are available in GpABC:

  • mean - mean of the data across the 2nd dimension
  • variance - variance of the data across the 2nd dimension
  • max - maximum of the data across the 2nd dimension
  • min - minimum of the data across the 2nd dimension
  • range - range of the data across the 2nd dimension (range = max - min)
  • median - median of the data across the 2nd dimension
  • q1 - the 1st quartile of the data across the 2nd dimension
  • q3 - the 3rd quartile of the data across the 2nd dimension
  • iqr - the interquartile distance of the data across the 2nd dimension (iqr = q3 - q1)
  • keep_all - keep all data, reshaping it into a 1d vector