Model Selection Reference

GpABC functions for Model Selection.


Types and Functions


Perform model selection using simulation-based ABC.


  • reference_data::AbstractArray{Float64,2}: The observed data to which the simulated model output will be compared. Size: (nmodeltrajectories, ntimepoints)
  • threshold_schedule::AbstractArray{Float64}: A set of maximum distances from the summarised model output to summarised observed data for a parameter vector to be included in the posterior. Each distance will be used in a single run of the ABC-SMC algorithm.
  • parameter_priors::AbstractArray{AbstractArray{ContinuousUnivariateDistribution},1}: Priors for the parameters of each model. The length of the outer array is the number of models.
  • summary_statistic::Union{String,AbstractArray{String,1},Function}: Either: 1. A String or 1D Array of strings that Or 2. A function that outputs a 1D Array of Floats that summarises model output. Defaults to keep_all. See detailed documentation of summary statistics.
  • simulator_functions::AbstractArray{Function,1}: An array of functions that take a parameter vector as an argument and outputs model results (one per model).
  • 'model_prior::DiscreteUnivariateDistribution': The prior from which models are sampled. Default is a discrete, uniform distribution.
  • distance_function::Union{Function,Metric}: A function or metric that computes the distance between 2 1D Arrays. Optional argument (default is to use the Euclidean distance).
  • max_iter::Int: The maximum number of simulations that will be run. The default is 1000*n_particles. Each iteration samples a single model and performs ABC using a single particle.


A ModelSelectionOutput object that contains which models are supported by the observed data.


Perform model selection using emulation-based ABC.


  • n_design_points::Int64: The number of parameter vectors used to train the Gaussian process emulator.
  • reference_data::AbstractArray{Float64,2}: The observed data to which the simulated model output will be compared. Size: (nmodeltrajectories, ntimepoints)
  • n_particles::Int64: The number of parameter vectors (particles) that will be included in the final posterior.
  • threshold_schedule::AbstractArray{Float64}: A set of maximum distances from the summarised model output to summarised observed data for a parameter vector to be included in the posterior. Each distance will be used in a single run of the ABC-SMC algorithm.
  • parameter_priors::AbstractArray{AbstractArray{ContinuousUnivariateDistribution},1}: Priors for the parameters of each model. The length of the outer array is the number of models.
  • summary_statistic::Union{String,AbstractArray{String,1},Function}: Either: 1. A String or 1D Array of strings that Or 2. A function that outputs a 1D Array of Floats that summarises model output. Defaults to keep_all. See detailed documentation of summary statistics.
  • simulator_functions::AbstractArray{Function,1}: An array of functions that take a parameter vector as an argument and outputs model results (one per model).
  • 'model_prior::DiscreteUnivariateDistribution': The prior from which models are sampled. Default is a discrete, uniform distribution.
  • distance_function::Union{Function,Metric}: A function or metric that computes the distance between 2 1D Arrays. Optional argument (default is to use the Euclidean distance).
  • max_iter::Int: The maximum number of simulations that will be run. The default is 1000*n_particles. Each iteration samples a single model and performs ABC using a single particle.
  • max_batch_size::Int: The maximum batch size for the emulator when making predictions.


A ModelSelectionOutput object that contains which models are supported by the observed data.


Contains results of a model selection computation, including which models are best supported by the observed data and the parameter posteriors at each population for each model.


  • M::Int64: The number of models.
  • n_accepted::AbstractArray{AbstractArray{Int64,1},1}: The number of parameters accepted by each model at each population. n_accepted[i][j] contains the number of acceptances for model j at population i.
  • threshold_schedule::AbstractArray{Float64,1}: A set of maximum distances from the summarised model output to summarised observed data for a parameter vector to be included in the posterior.
  • smc_outputs::AbstractArray{ABCSMCOutput,1}: A ['SimulatedABCSMCOutput']@(ref) or ['EmulatedABCSMCOutput']@(ref) for each model. Use to find details of the ABC results at each population.
  • completed_all_populations::Bool: Indicates whether the algorithm completed all the populations successfully. A successful population is one where at least one model accepts at least one particle.